Sunday, September 19, 2010

Paper Presented at ICEC 2010, Korea

Explorations in Player Motivations: Virtual Agents

REF: Bostan, B.(2010). Explorations in Player Motivations: Virtual Agents. ICEC 2010 Conference, Seoul, Korea.

Creating believable agents with personality is a popular research area in game studies but academic research in this area usually focuses on one facet of personality. The present study proposes a motivational framework to predict goal-directed behaviour of virtual agents in a computer game and explores the opportunities of using personality
inventories based on the same motivational framework to design virtual agents with personality. The framework represented by this study takes into account psychological needs and their interrelations
for analyzing choices of virtual agents in a computer game.

"© SpringerLink, ICEC 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution."

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