Sunday, September 19, 2010

Paper Presented at Future-Learning 2010, Turkey

Gaming Technologies for Learning; Virtual Teams and Leadership Research in Online Environments

REF: Kaplancali, U. & Bostan, B.(2010). Gaming Technologies for Learning; Virtual Teams and Leadership Research in Online Environments. Future-Learning 2010, Turkey

Virtual worlds and games open up possibilities for simultaneous learning on multiple levels; players may learn from contextual information embedded in the narrative of the game and through the risks, benefits, costs, outcomes, and rewards of alternative strategies that result from fast‐paced decision making. With its emphasis on leadership skills in virtual teams, this paper introduces main findings of several studies on leadership in multiplayer online environments including commercial online games. These studies main focus was on leadership styles in online environments.

"© Future-Learning 2010. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution."

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